28 abr 2008

gñarlf barrunk tar.gaz argh

25 abr 2008

No quieres zumo de manzanas? Pues toma 3 cestos!!

21 abr 2008

Realidad o Ficcion

Realidad ficticia

O ficcion real?

Me haceis la "Z"
A vosotros os gusta "esparramar?" Como un solar!!

A veces las confundo
Que es real?
Que es ficticio?
Y si no me creen, vean atentamente el segundo video en el minuto 5:24
y ya de paso el primo negro de la escuela de ficcion
Que de todito puede haber en este mundo
O debe haber?

Etiquetas: , , , , , , , , ,

16 abr 2008

La Grecia de Pitagoras (musical) y fractales (tambien)

No sueltes tu escopeta

Reuniones secretas de intelectuales


Each floor's layout has five pentagonal concentric rings which are connected by ten spoke-like corridors.

Room numbers are comprised of the following information:

The first number or letter indicates the floor on which the room is located
(B = Basement, M = Mezzanine, 1-5 = floors).

The next letter is the ring on which the room is located.
(Rings are designated A,B,C,D, and E for the Mezzanine and floors 1-5 plus the
additional rings F and G in the basement only.)

The next digit or the next two digits indicates the corridor on which the room is located. (Corridors are designated 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10)

The last two digits indicate the specific bay or room number assigned to an office.

EXAMPLE, to locate room 3D126:

1. Go to the third floor, A ring
2. Proceed along the A Ring to the 1st corridor
3. Go down the 1st corridor to the Dring
4. Turn left and proceed to room or bay number 26

La sicodelia
Bonus track
Da Vinci

Etiquetas: , , ,

14 abr 2008


Lo que ocurrió fue que como venimos esperando desde hace tantos siglos, los paraguas se cerraron como medusas de alambre sobre las cabezas de la ciudadanía y les obligaron a pagar sus deudas. Hubo dos que se libraron. Mojados, eso sí.

Anatoly y el caballo

paso de ampliar la esquina,
pinchais en la foto y se le ve bien contento.


Piratas del espacio FF

12 abr 2008

This farm will end up in fire

Andén atestado. Vagón atestado. Entra familia, mamá, papá, dos niños. El menor protesta, no puede ver. Mamá responde, no tiene que ver. Cara encogida. Agobio. Forcejeo con el hermano. Estación, el vagón descarga. Espacio. Frente contra el cristal. Esa intimidad de los niños con los tubos de los túneles.

Tu me sirves de ギア

política de pulgas y política de perros.

Mi vida como invisible.

Las pulgas no me dejan dormir, cagondios, cuando no son los mosquitos son las pulgas. Pero tú lo has elegido. Gajes del oficio u "ocupación(k)". Yo me lo guiso, yo me lo autogestiono, en lenguaje politizado, porque la política es una excusa.

Mi "sueño""en verdad" xD es este: quiero quitarle a Grant Morrison el copyright de "Los invisibles", aparte del derecho de cita que tiene mi HGA para mostrarme imágenes de sus obras, porque de este modo le quito "poderes mágicos". Sí, sin coña. Me creo toda esa mierda y el sr. Morrison dice que su creación es un hiperfetiche de 4D, aunque con otras/mejores palabras y si lo colectivizo y me apropio del, me subo sobre hombros de gigantes y eso.

Si buscas "los invisibles" en google images aparece multimedia de una philosophia perennis que te cagas. Tipografías de Todd Klein, novelas de Ballestrini... google es tu amigo, ahí no me puedo meter en política porque no usar google sólo porque sea un engranaje de la "máquina de guerra" (guattaristas dixit) opresora, chunga y directamente engarzada con engranajes represores, precarizadores... un largo ect...

Si buscas la casa invisible en málaga, saldrán un montón de mentiras y un montón de verdades, pero dificilmente salga lo de las pulgas. La vida es corta, el arte perdura y las pulgas imaginarias pican pero no ahogan digo no sacan sangre.

La diosa griega Ananké genera que haya sitios con pulgas. No el Karma como dicen los españoles. Claro que otros lo llaman política, porque habitan una polys (que bien se explica todo después de un buen griego, eh).

Pero yo prefiero creer en Ananké que en La Política o creer en absence que va con minúscula y parece menos pretencioso.

Por eso creo en Morrison (Grant) y hace poco llevé una chapita en blanco. Poco después, era invisible. Entre medias hubo algún encuentro con magos y magas, sincronicidades, corrientes circulares en el tiempo, holonesmemesfractales

Hoy he visto cositas blancas flotando ante mis ojos. Como estoy cultivado se perfectamente qué son esas extrañas hadas: el HGA recordandote que estás viva.

lo personal es político
los invisibles no existen
y prefiero una ps3 a unas pulgas

10 abr 2008

Algunas peculiaridades del 日本語

ぴほ うエヴァ おすてぇいあ

Este es Richard Gere usease リチャードギア que se se lee "Richaado guia" (no richard guere)
bueno no es el, es un tipo con una careta de su cara siendo pateado portando un cartel que pone
Acoso sesuarls NO!!

Y este es el Metal Gear (メタルギア)es dicir "metaru guia"
en concreto la imagen es de un juego de preguntas sobre le metaru gia

Transcendentalismo idiota vs racionalismo idiota

cita del trascendentalista idiota Stanislav Grof:

Teniendo presentes estas consideraciones, creamos el término
“emergencia espiritual”. Implica un juego de palabras: la palabra emergencia,
sugiere una súbita crisis, proviene del latín emergere (surgir, elevarse,
aparecer). Esta palabra indica así una situación precaria, pero también la
posibilidad de elevarse a un estado más alto del ser. El pictograma chino para
crisis representa perfectamente esta idea: está compuesto de dos signos
primarios, uno de los cuales significa “peligro”, mientras que el Otro significa
Reconocer la naturaleza dual de la emergencia espiritual —peligro y
oportunidad— tiene importantes consecuencias teóricas y prácticas. Si se las
comprende correctamente y se las trata como un estadio difícil en un proceso
natural de desarrollo, las emergencias espirituales pueden conducir a una
curación a nivel emocional y psicosomático, a cambios profundos y positivos de
la personalidad y a la solución de muchos de los problemas de la vida.

Contesta el racionalista idiota Victor H. Mair:

The explication of the Chinese word for crisis as made up of two components signifying danger and opportunity is due partly to wishful thinking, but mainly to a fundamental misunderstanding about how terms are formed in Mandarin and other Sinitic languages. For example, one of the most popular websites centered on this mistaken notion about the Chinese word for crisis explains: "The top part of the Chinese Ideogram for 'Crisis' is the symbol for 'Danger': The bottom symbol represents 'Opportunity'." Among the most egregious of the radical errors in this statement is the use of the exotic term "Ideogram" to refer to Chinese characters. Linguists and writing theorists avoid "ideogram" as a descriptive referent for hanzi (Mandarin) / kanji (Japanese) / hanja (Korean) because only an exceedingly small proportion of them actually convey ideas directly through their shapes. (For similar reasons, the same caveat holds for another frequently encountered label, pictogram.) It is far better to refer to the hanzi / kanji / hanja as logographs, sinographs, hanograms, tetragraphs (from their square shapes [i.e., as fangkuaizi]), morphosyllabographs, etc., or -- since most of those renditions may strike the average reader as unduly arcane or clunky -- simply as characters.

The second misconception in this formulation is that the author seems to take the Chinese word for crisis as a single graph, referring to it as "the Chinese Ideogram for 'crisis'." Like most Mandarin words, that for "crisis" (wēijī) consists of two syllables that are written with two separate characters, wēi and jī.

Chinese character wei

Chinese character wēi
Chinese character ji1 in simplified form

Chinese character jī (in simplified form)
Chinese character ji1 -- in traditional form

The third, and fatal, misapprehension is the author's definition of jī as "opportunity." While it is true that wēijī does indeed mean "crisis" and that the wēi syllable of wēijī does convey the notion of "danger," the jī syllable of wēijī most definitely does not signify "opportunity." Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines "opportunity" as:

1. a favorable juncture of circumstances;
2. a good chance for advancement or progress.

While that may be what our Pollyanaish advocates of "crisis" as "danger" plus "opportunity" desire jī to signify, it means something altogether different.

The jī of wēijī, in fact, means something like "incipient moment; crucial point (when something begins or changes)." Thus, a wēijī is indeed a genuine crisis, a dangerous moment, a time when things start to go awry. A wēijī indicates a perilous situation when one should be especially wary. It is not a juncture when one goes looking for advantages and benefits. In a crisis, one wants above all to save one's skin and neck! Any would-be guru who advocates opportunism in the face of crisis should be run out of town on a rail, for his / her advice will only compound the danger of the crisis.

For those who have staked their hopes and careers on the CRISIS = DANGER + OPPORTUNITY formula and are loath to abandon their fervent belief in jī as signifying "opportunity," it is essential to list some of the primary meanings of the graph in question. Aside from the notion of "incipient moment" or "crucial point" discussed above, the graph for jī by itself indicates "quick-witted(ness); resourceful(ness)" and "machine; device." In combination with other graphs, however, jī can acquire hundreds of secondary meanings. It is absolutely crucial to observe that jī possesses these secondary meanings only in the multisyllabic terms into which it enters. To be specific in the matter under investigation, jī added to huì ("occasion") creates the Mandarin word for "opportunity" (jīhuì), but by itself jī does not mean "opportunity."

A wēijī in Chinese is every bit as fearsome as a crisis in English. A jīhuì in Chinese is just as welcome as an opportunity to most folks in America. To confuse a wēijī with a jīhuì is as foolish as to insist that a crisis is the best time to go looking for benefits.

If one wishes to wax philosophical about the jī of wēijī, one might elaborate upon it as the dynamic of a situation's unfolding, when many elements are at play. In this sense, jī is neutral. This jī can either turn out for better or for worse, but -- when coupled with wēi -- the possibility of a highly undesirable outcome (whether in life, disease, finance, or war) is uppermost in the mind of the person who invokes this potent term.

For those who are still mystified by the morphological (i.e., word-building) procedures of Sinitic languages, it might be helpful to provide a parallel case from English. An airplane is a machine that has the capability of flying through the air, but that does not imply that "air" by itself means airplane or that "plane" alone originally signified airplane. (The word "plane" has only come to mean "airplane" when it functions as a shortened form of the latter word.) The first element of the word airplane, like the first element of wēijī, presents no real problems: it is the stuff that makes up our earth's atmosphere. The second element, however, like the second element of wēijī, is much trickier. There are at least half a dozen different monosyllabic words in English spelled "plane." While most of these words are derived from a Latin root meaning "flat" or "level," they each convey quite different meanings. The "plane" of "airplane" is actually cognate with the word "planet," which derives from a Greek word that means "wandering." A planet is a heavenly body that wanders through space, and an airplane is a machine that wanders through the air. As Gertrude Stein might have said, "An airplane is an airplane is an airplane." Neither "air" nor "plane" means "airplane"; only "airplane" means "airplane" - except when "plane" is being used as an abbreviation for "airplane"! Likewise, neither wēi nor jī means wēijī; only wēijī means wēijī. These are illustrations of the basic principles of word formation that are common to all languages. When etymological components enter into words, they take on the semantic coloring of their new environment and must be considered in that context.

If one wants to find a word containing the element jī that means "opportunity" (i.e., a favorable juncture of circumstances, or a good chance for advancement), one needs to look elsewhere than wēijī, which means precisely "crisis" (viz., a dangerous, critical moment). One might choose, for instance, zhuǎnjī ("turn" + "incipient moment" = "favorable turn; turn for the better"), liángjī ("excellent" + "incipient moment" = "opportunity" [!!]), or hǎo shíjī ("good" + "time" + "incipient moment" = "favorable opportunity").

Those who purvey the doctrine that the Chinese word for "crisis" is composed of elements meaning "danger" and "opportunity" are engaging in a type of muddled thinking that is a danger to society, for it lulls people into welcoming crises as unstable situations from which they can benefit. Adopting a feel-good attitude toward adversity may not be the most rational, realistic approach to its solution.

Finally, to those who would persist in disseminating the potentially perilous, fundamentally fallacious theory that "crisis" = "danger" + "opportunity," please don't blame it on Chinese!

8 abr 2008


Cuando compendió que venía para salvarle la vida se revolvió en la bañera para alcanzar los botes de champú con el chapoteo penoso de una ballena herida y tirárselos a los centros vitales en voleas circulares que despedían una metralla de agua y sangre. Con su último aliento, le selló la frente de un salivazo.

she can do it!

Muy pesado

¿Por qué soy tan sabio? ¿por qué soy tan inteligente?
¿por qué son tan grandes mi coche y mi cuenta corriente?
tengo tengo tengo tengo y tú no tienes nada
las mujeres y el dinero se amontonan en mi cama

Vivo en cien ciudades con millones de habitantes
y descanso en islas donde nadie ha llegado antes
son tan altos mis contactos que no conozco apellidos
y es un círculo exclusivo el forman mis amigos

Pero esta vida es una mierda
tiene el sello del fracaso
esta vida es una mierda
la depresión me ha derrotado
esta vida es una mierda
es el fango en que me arrastro
esta vida es una mierda
y yo soy un pobre infeliz

Hermosas actrices y guapísimas modelos
se fotografían a mi lado a cualquier precio
en los mejores restaurantes en los mejores hoteles
hay reverencias a mi paso hay halagos y parabienes

Mis películas y discos mis trabajos manuales
mis artículos y libros son el pasmo de los mortales
soy un clásico en vida soy un Nobel soy un santo
en el panteón de ilustres tengo sitio reservado


7 abr 2008


5 abr 2008

que hable quien sabe

Genios y subgenios

Testosterona y porno

Gratis y libre
